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Adding Belonging to the Equation: The Shift from REDI to DEIB 

Years ago, we adopted a focus on bringing REDI–Race, Ethnicity, Diversity, and Inclusion–principles to all of our initiatives, communications, and partnerships. REDI initiatives laid the foundation for addressing issues of racial and ethnic diversity and inclusion. However, as we delved deeper into our equity efforts, we realized that we could

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The Power of Storytelling in Transforming Early Childhood Systems: A Conversation with Christine Thorsteinson, Director of Early Childhood Development at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Christine Thorsteinson and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation have supported KQED San Francisco to harness the transformative power of storytelling in early childhood systems.  “We wanted to try to go deep in system-level change and find ways to address systemic inequities that underlie the disparities in our region. Think about

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Commission Vacancies Announcement

President of the Board of Supervisors Dave Pine announced that applications arebeing accepted for appointment to the First 5 San Mateo County. There are currently one (1)position representing: Public Member, each to commence January 1, 2024.  The Public Member includes the following categories: recipients of project services included in First

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