Success for

Success for

every child

every child

Success for

every child

Our Work

See how we partner with community and make investments to help young children prosper.

Family Resources

Check out our resource hub for information on your growing child.

Take Action for Kids

Join us in making a difference for San Mateo County families.

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Working to counteract racism, create opportunity for all children, and promote equity has been integral to the work of First 5 San Mateo County from our beginning more than 25 years ago.  Our work is about seeing inequity in the lives of children and families and doing something about it.  We look forward to continuing to partner with parents and leaders throughout San Mateo County and at the state to change conditions that affect child development and family well-being.

As we advocate and advance change for San Mateo County’s children, we also work to change the systems and structures that perpetuate inequity and barriers to opportunity for young children and their families. Centering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) is both a guiding principle and a priority area of strategic focus. In addition to focused attention, DEIB principles will be embedded throughout our work, with the goal of supporting families through a targeted universalism approach.

All children have the right to grow up healthy, safe, and with every opportunity.

Latest News & Updates


First 5 San Mateo County Commissioners meet monthly to discuss First 5 San Mateo County programming, policy, and initiative advancements. Meetings are open to the public and packets are posted 72 hours in advance. Join us to listen in or provide public comment. 

See the links below for upcoming meetings agendas and past meeting documents.

Commission Meeting

June 24, 2024

Program, Operations, and Planning (POP) Committee Meeting

September 9, 2024

Finance Committee Meeting

October 21, 2024

EC Evaluation Advisory Committee Meeting

July 15, 2024