While so many aspects of your life may be impacted by this pandemic, know that you are not alone. Many families are facing more hardship and emotional challenges than ever before. Fortunately, the San Mateo County community continues to come together to ensure our families are supported.

Whether you’re in need of resources related to basic needs, child care, emotional support or more, it’s okay to ask for help.

Basic Needs

If you or someone you know is in need of help with emergency financial assistance, food, housing, utilities and other basic needs, local organizations and agencies are prepared to connect people with the help they need. If figuring out where to begin feels overwhelming, you can start by calling 2-1-1 (or 800-273-6222) to explain your needs and get the information and referrals right for you.

Child Care

The lack of access to adequate child care while most programs are closed is forcing some families into impossible situations, especially for those who are essential workers. Do parents go to work or stay home to care for their child? Finding access to affordable and accessible child care is vital for many families and accessing child care is essential. 4Cs of San Mateo County is here to help families in need access child care. If you are an essential worker or qualify as part of an at-risk population (child receiving CPS services, at risk of abuse or neglect, experiencing homelessness or a child of a domestic violence survivor), you may qualify for an emergency child care subsidy.

Emotional Support

Consider talking to a trusted friend or family member. Learning to ask for help can be difficult but it can be so beneficial to helping you heal. There’s a good chance people close to you are facing similar challenges and these conversations can help bring these issues to light. The ability to lean on each other can go a long way to help navigate this crisis. If you find yourself needing additional support, there are other resources available for you to reach out to.

Looking for more? San Mateo County has compiled an extensive list of local resources for its residents to help cope with hardships brought on by COVID-19. You can also visit our COVID-19 resource page and social media channels for up-to-date information.

Stay tuned for more blogs with tips and information to support San Mateo County families during COVID-19 and beyond, and take a look back at our most recent post for self-care tips. 

Headshot of Kitty Lopez

Kitty Lopez has served as the Executive Director of First 5 San Mateo County since 2012, focusing on policy, advocacy and communications development. Additionally, she is the Chair of First 5 Association of California. Kitty previously served as the Executive Director of Samaritan House, one of the leading safety-net nonprofit agencies serving low-income families and individuals in San Mateo County with food, shelter, clothing, health care, counseling, education classes, and holiday assistance from 2002 to 2012.

Kitty taught kindergarten, second grade, and high school in the Bay Area and in Santa Barbara, and was a consultant in schools with children who have autism and special needs. Additionally, Kitty worked in a residential substance abuse treatment center in San Francisco and psychiatric hospital in San Diego.

She attended University of California Santa Barbara earning a California Teaching Credential and B.A in Psychology. Kitty is active in her community serving on several community boards including HEART (Housing Endowment and Regional Trust of San Mateo County), STEP (Success Through Education Program), and Past President and Current Member of the San Mateo Rotary Club.