
Oral health plays an important role in a child’s physical health, school success, and self-esteem. When children have tooth pain and decay, they miss important parts of being a kid! Playing, paying attention in school, sleeping, and eating are important parts of your child’s development. As baby teeth grow in, it’s important to know how to take care of them!

This page is full of local San Mateo County resources and information on accessing dental insurance and care. This information is for San Mateo County parents. If you’re a First 5 partner, find additional oral health resources here!

Oral Health Guide

San Mateo County Health’s guide to oral health walks through how to keep your child’s smile healthy! There are tips for you, no matter what phase of life you and your child are experiencing. From the time you are pregnant, to the time you are helping your little one care for their own teeth, these best practices make it easy!

How to Find Oral Health Care

Experts recommend that you bring your baby to their first dental appointment as soon as they reach their first birthday or their first tooth appears. 

Health Plan San Mateo Dental

Members of Medi-Cal through the Health Plan of San Mateo (HPSM Dental) find a dentist here! 

All of your health care providers are accessible through the same place, including dental!  

Choose a dentist from HPSM’s network.

Kaiser Medi-Cal

Starting January 1, 2024, many San Mateo County Medi-Cal members were transitioned to Kaiser Permanente. There are a few ways to find a dentist:

Find a Medi-Cal Dental Provider.

If you cannot find a dentist in your area who is accepting new patients, contact the Medi-Cal Telephone Service Center for additional help at 1-800-322-6384.

Private Insurance

Check your insurance provider’s website or contact them directly to obtain a list of in-network dentists that work with children aged one through five. 

Typically, you can set up an appointment by contacting the dental provider directly. If your child’s dental office tells you they see babies starting at age 2 or older, schedule the appointment as close to your baby’s first birthday as possible. Ask the office if it’s possible to schedule a quicker initial ‘get to know you’ visit when your baby turns one.

No Dental Insurance

Visit San Mateo County Oral Health for information on finding care.

Tips for Caring for Your Child's Teeth

We share lots of oral health information and tips on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Follow the links to see them all!

Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA)

Keeping teeth healthy is an important part of helping children succeed in school, even from the very beginning!

The Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA) is required for all public school students in transitional kindergarten (TK) and/or kindergarten. Students need to have an oral health screening completed by a licensed dental professional before the end of their first year of public school.

When you register your child for TK or kindergarten, your registration packet contains the KOHA packet. You will find the KOHA form that needs to be completed by an oral health provider. If your child’s school is hosting a KOHA screening day, the dental providers at the school will complete the required form there!

Making Sure Your Child Completes the KOHA

  1. Make a dental appointment for your child during the year before they start school, so you can turn in the completed oral health assessment form at the beginning of their first school year! If you do it while your child is still four, you will have plenty of time to get a dental appointment, even if you are dealing with longer wait times!
  2. Get the Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment form from your child’s registration packet, from the school office staff, or you can download it in English or Spanish directly from our webpage here:
  1. Bring the letter and assessment form in English and in Spanish, if applicable, to the dental appointment and have the dentist fill them out.
  2. Return the completed form to your child’s school office staff.


To learn more about the KOHA, visit the San Mateo County Health website. 

We hope these resources are helpful! If you need dental supplies for your baby’s teeth, you can request a free First 5 Kit for New Parents.

Headshot of Kitty Lopez

Kitty Lopez has served as the Executive Director of First 5 San Mateo County since 2013, focusing on strategic investing, community leadership, policy and advocacy development for young children, 0-5, and their families.

Kitty has served as Co-Chair of the Advisory Body for Build Up for San Mateo County Children’s Initiative, with Board of Supervisor, Dave Pine, since 2018.  Congressman Kevin Mullin is Honorary Co-Chair.  This initiative was established to preserve, grow, and increase the number of early care sites in San Mateo County.  

Kitty previously served as the Executive Director of Samaritan House, one of San Mateo County’s leading Core Service Agencies and safety-net nonprofits serving low-income families and individuals with food, shelter, clothing, health care, counseling, education classes, and holiday assistance from 2002 to 2013. 

Kitty taught kindergarten, second grade, and high school in southern California and San Francisco and was a consultant in schools with children who have autism and special needs. Additionally, Kitty worked in a residential substance abuse treatment center in San Francisco and psychiatric hospital for children and youth in San Diego.  Kitty’s roots in supporting children began as a 16-year-old volunteer at the Braille Institute in Los Angeles where she taught swimming to children and adults with visual impairments.

She attended University of California Santa Barbara earning a California Teaching Credential and B.A in Psychology. Kitty is active in her community serving as Vice Chair of the San Mateo County Event Center, and Past President and Current Member of the San Mateo Rotary Club.  She is currently serving as Past President of the First 5 Association of California. On March 2022, Assembly Speaker pro Tem Kevin Mullin selected Kitty Lopez as the 2022 Assembly District 22 Woman of the Year.