Family Development Credential Class

The Family Development Credential Class is coming back. The FDC program is a professional development course and credentialing program to learn and/or enhance skills of strength-based family support with families. This FDC course is offered to San Mateo County individuals that would like to build their professional skills of partnering with families. Staff members work with […]
Silicon Valley Community Foundation Family Story Project

Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, families have weathered unforeseen impacts with strength and fortitude. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation set out to collect family stories of experiences, challenges, and hopes for their children’s future. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, families have been forced to be resilient. It is time that they have the real systemic support they […]
Parents – Ask Your Doctors for ACEs Screenings

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are stressful or traumatic experiences that occur in childhood. Prolonged exposure to trauma such as abuse or neglect, as well as to things like poverty, racism, and community violence, can create toxic stress. Over time, toxic stress can damage a child’s developing brain and body. ACEs can even affect long-term physical and mental […]