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Expanding and Improving Early Learning Facilities in San Mateo County through the Build Up Family Child Care Expansion Grants

In San Mateo County, there is a critical childcare shortage, and Build Up San Mateo County was awarded a $50,000 grant from Gilead Sciences to expand the capacity of childcare providers during the pandemic. With Gilead’s investment, ten $5,000 Family Child Care (FCC) Grants were awarded to small at-home childcare programs. The lack of access to licensed child care, preschool, and afterschool programs impacts families, children, and the overall wellbeing of the region. Read more about who these grants helped, and how the grantees used these resources to expand and improve for San Mateo County families. 

Build up is an initiative to grow and improve the supply of early care and education facilities in San Mateo County, and is a funded partner of First 5 San Mateo.

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Child Care Providers Are Eligible for San Mateo County Small Business Grants up to $10,000

Child care providers in San Mateo County are eligible for grants of up to $10,000. Child care providers are integral to our community and hold a special place in our recovery and our resilience. The pandemic is not over, but thanks to the dedication of San Mateo County residents to stay safe, get vaccinated, and protect each other, life is beginning to return to a new normal.

The network of community-oriented, diverse, and high-quality childcare options is an imperative part of San Mateo County’s infrastructure. Throughout the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, the County of San Mateo has provided key financial support and services for the people most impacted. Childcare and early education providers have been on the frontlines since the very beginning. 

Apply today through Tuesday, September 7th!
