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A celebration of the children

We know how important children’s earliest years are in shaping their learning and development. Never before have the needs of young children and their families been more pressing. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how critical child care is for all children and families. This week is the 50th Anniversary of

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Creating Community and More Through Friday CAFE

Friday CAFE is a learning community for family and community engagement professionals. Friday CAFE takes place one Friday morning a month, and includes time for networking and conversation, a brief presentation, and spirited discussion. Membership is broad and open to all. Friday CAFE is administered by the San Mateo County Office

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Vaccines Distributed to Early Childhood Educators

Hundreds of early childhood educators were vaccinated against COVID-19 during the first week of eligibility SAN MATEO COUNTY – On February 22, 2021, San Mateo County Health announced the expansion of COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to child care providers, along with teachers, first responders, and food and agricultural workers. With this

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Masking in Preschool

Why should young children mask? During the February Commission Meeting, Dr. Stephanie Nguyen Lai, pediatrician at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, and Dr. Mary Rhee, pediatrician at Kaiser Permanente, presented valuable information about masking in young children. Their review of masking policies, data, and testimonials from local preschools provided insights about

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What This Year Has Shown Us | December 2020 Newsletter

Our work is about seeing inequity in the lives of children and families and trying to do something about it. The events of 2020 have shown us the critical importance of this, now more than ever. We have been honored to play a role in San Mateo County’s efforts to

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