For a quarter of a century, First 5 San Mateo County has been proud to be a leader, partner, and investor working on behalf of young children and families in our county. That’s right–it’s our 25 year anniversary, an incredible milestone in our history.
From our early investments in children’s health and development, to our longstanding commitment to creating access to high quality early childhood education and supporting the early childhood workforce, we have been committed to making San Mateo County a place where young children and their families can thrive. Since its inception, First 5 San Mateo County has invested more than $150 million in local programs and has served nearly 100,000 children from birth through age five.
Take a look at this timeline that shares select highlights from the past 25 years of our work. And, thank you for your support! Whether you are a partner, parent, or committed community member, we’re proud to work alongside you to make sure San Mateo County has healthy families, a vital workforce, and strong communities.
P.S. It was hard to narrow down 25 years of work into a two-page timeline. If you do not see your partnership with First 5 reflected in this document, please know that your work and support of San Mateo County families is not forgotten!